Tuesday, March 29, 2011


I say at least once a week that I have had to make more decisions in the past 4 years of my sons life, on his behalf, than I had to make for myself in the entire first 18 years of my own life!

We went to our developmental pediatrician this past week and I typically say before we get there, that I'm just going to brag.. Of course I want input and opinion but I know how well my little man is doing so I love to go show the person who set us on our path from the start. The visit went great as usual but of course we are still not at our ultimate destination. One thing that was unexpected was that he didn't love all of my programming choices for next school year. Keep in mind this kids "programs" are more than many famililes with 3 children combined, participate in so yes he liked most of my choices but was afraid that I made one choice that wasn't perfect. It didn't hurt my feelings because he tells me each time how wonderful my choices are and how amazingly well they are paying off. What it did do was send my mind into a frenzy. MORE DECISIONS. I'm now left to ponder more choices for next school year but I'm glad that we have summer just about figured out and that even though it feels like fall is next month because of the pre-planning that is required, it really is only march! I still have to make typical kid/mom decisions for Trey like is he enjoying basketball or drum class (no and no!). He loves doing these activities on his time but not ready for the commitment. It's much easier though with Trey to know that he isn't into it cause he either shows his feelings clear as day or flat out tells me. With Nash it's still a bit of a guessing game but guess on I must. Seems to be working just fine :).

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